Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Looking Back, Then Forward

It amazes me how fickle time can be. On the one hand it has flown by and I can still not believe how much time has past. But on the other, I feel like I have been here for seven weeks. Soon I will be going to Berlin, then off to Rome, for a day, and then before I know it I will be spending spring break in Dublin. It really does amaze me that I still have so much time ahead of me. And then once the semester ends, I still have two weeks with my mother and brother on a whirlwind adventure across Europe. 
Even though I may be looking forward to these things, I have started to look back on life back home. So much must be changing along with the people. I know that things will not really have changed much due to the fact that I will have only been gone for four months. Yet this knowledge does not prevent me from feeling like I am drifting away. 
As a very smart lady suggested, I am the perfect example of "The grass is greener on the other side". The moment I get home I will be thinking back to this time and wondering how I could ever want to come back. I know this now, so I guess the only option is to make the most of my time here so that when I go back I will really have something to miss. 
So off I go, with my homework done before nine, to find something to do!

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